Visual Basic Source Code
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BASIC Source File
379 lines
Option Explicit
Const TabOffsetConstant = 4
Dim Folders() As Control ' Array of the form's folders
Global FolderNum As Integer ' Current active folder
Global NumFolders As Integer ' Total number of folders
Dim VisibleTabs As Integer ' Number of tabs across screen
Dim OneTabHeight As Integer ' Height of one row of tabs
Dim FolderTabs As Control ' Picture to paint tabs on
Dim TabWidth As Long ' Tab width
Dim NumRows As Integer ' Number of rows of tabs
Dim TabOffset As Integer ' # of pixels for tab's diagonal
Dim TabOffsetX As Integer ' Offset translated to x-twips
Dim TabOffsetY As Integer ' Offset translated to y-twips
'Used for border/menu sizes
Declare Function GetSystemMetrics% Lib "User" (ByVal nIndex%)
'Used to see if menu is used
Declare Function GetMenu Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%) As Integer
' Locate the folder controls
' Set the Folders array to point to the folders
' Modify each folder to match the first folder (index=0)
Function DefineFolders (NumAcross As Integer, Fldr As Control, FolderTabControl As Control) As Integer
Dim I As Integer
' Find out how many folders in an array are on the form
' Done by checking each control to see if it is a folder
' and then checking each folder to see if it has an index
' value (part of an array of folders)
NumFolders = 0
On Error GoTo NoIndex
For I = 0 To Fldr.Parent.Controls.Count - 1
If TypeOf Fldr.Parent.Controls(I) Is Frame Then
If Not Fldr.Parent.Controls(I).Index >= 0 Then
' Fill Space
If Fldr.Parent.Controls(I).Index > NumFolders Then NumFolders = Fldr.Parent.Controls(I).Index
End If
End If
Next I
On Error GoTo 0
' Fill the Folders array with pointers to the folder
' on the form
' Done by the same loop as last time, but this time
' I assign it to an array
ReDim Folders(NumFolders)
On Error GoTo NoIndex
For I = 0 To Fldr.Parent.Controls.Count - 1
If TypeOf Fldr.Parent.Controls(I) Is Frame Then
If Not Fldr.Parent.Controls(I).Index >= 0 Then
'Fill Space
On Error GoTo 0
Set Folders(Fldr.Parent.Controls(I).Index) = Fldr.Parent.Controls(I)
On Error GoTo NoIndex
End If
End If
Next I
On Error GoTo 0
' Define Standard variables
If NumAcross = 0 Then
VisibleTabs = NumFolders + 1
VisibleTabs = NumAcross
End If
TabOffset = TabOffsetConstant
SetTabOffset -TabOffset
'Modify all the folders to match folder0
For I = 0 To NumFolders
Folders(I).Top = Folders(0).Top
Folders(I).Left = Folders(0).Left
Folders(I).Width = Folders(0).Width
Folders(I).Height = Folders(0).Height
Folders(I).BackColor = Folders(0).BackColor
Folders(I).Tag = Folders(I).Caption
Folders(I).FontBold = False
Folders(I).FontItalic = Folders(0).FontItalic
Folders(I).FontName = Folders(0).FontName
Folders(I).FontSize = Folders(0).FontSize
Folders(I).FontStrikethru = Folders(0).FontStrikethru
Folders(I).FontUnderline = Folders(0).FontUnderline
Folders(I).ForeColor = Folders(0).ForeColor
Folders(I).Visible = True
Folders(I).ZOrder 1
Next I
FolderNum = 0 ' Start with the first folder highlighted
' If you want a different first folder, use
' the GotoFolder function right after you
' use DefineFolders
DefineTabs FolderTabControl ' Configure the tab picture box
Call ShowFolder ' Move the first folder to the top
Exit Function
Resume Next
End Function
' Initialize the picture box that the
' folder tabs are drawn in
Private Sub DefineTabs (FolderTabControl As Control)
' Calculate the number of rows needed to display all tabs
NumRows = NumFolders \ VisibleTabs + 1
' Set the picture box's properties
Set FolderTabs = FolderTabControl
FolderTabs.AutoSize = False
FolderTabs.ScaleMode = 1
FolderTabs.Left = Folders(0).Left
FolderTabs.Width = Folders(0).Width
TabWidth = (FolderTabs.Width \ VisibleTabs)
FolderTabs.AutoRedraw = True
FolderTabs.BackColor = Folders(0).BackColor
FolderTabs.BorderStyle = 0
FolderTabs.DragMode = 0
FolderTabs.Enabled = True
FolderTabs.FillStyle = 0
FolderTabs.DrawStyle = 0
FolderTabs.FontBold = Folders(0).FontBold
FolderTabs.FontBold = Folders(0).FontBold
FolderTabs.FontItalic = Folders(0).FontItalic
FolderTabs.FontName = Folders(0).FontName
FolderTabs.FontSize = Folders(0).FontSize
FolderTabs.FontStrikethru = Folders(0).FontStrikethru
FolderTabs.FontUnderline = Folders(0).FontUnderline
FolderTabs.ForeColor = Folders(0).ForeColor
FolderTabs.LinkMode = 0
FolderTabs.MousePointer = 0
FolderTabs.TabStop = False
FolderTabs.Visible = True
FolderTabs.ZOrder 0
' Calculate the tab height based on the height of a sample
' letter + the offset height
OneTabHeight = (FolderTabs.TextHeight("X") + TabOffsetY)
FolderTabs.Height = OneTabHeight * NumRows
FolderTabs.Top = Folders(0).Top - FolderTabs.Height + OneTabHeight
End Sub
' Draws a single folder tab
' TabNumber = the tab that is being drawn
' HorPos = the tabs horizontal position on the folders
' VerPos = the row the tab is on
' Foreground = True if it is the currently selected tab
Private Sub DrawTab (TabNumber As Integer, HorPos As Integer, VerPos As Integer, ForeGround As Integer)
Dim TabTextWidth As Long
Dim L%, R%, T%, B%
' Set the Top/Bottom/Left/Right values of the single tab
T = FolderTabs.Height - VerPos * OneTabHeight
B = T + OneTabHeight - TwipsY(1)
L = TabWidth * HorPos
R = L + TabWidth - TwipsX(1)
' Draw the lines around the tab
FolderTabs.Line (L, B)-(L, T + TabOffsetY), 0
' If you reverse the comments in the next three lines, you will
' get a rounded top-left corner (not very noticable)
'FolderTabs.Circle Step(TabOffsetX, 0), TabOffsetX, 0, 3.141 / 2, 3.141
'FolderTabs.CurrentY = T
FolderTabs.Line -(L + TabOffsetX, T), 0
FolderTabs.Line -(R - TabOffsetX, T), 0
' If you reverse the comments in the next three lines, you will
' get a rounded top-right corner (not very noticable)
'FolderTabs.Circle Step(0, TabOffsetY), TabOffsetX, 0, 0, 3.141 / 2
'FolderTabs.CurrentX = R
FolderTabs.Line -(R, T + TabOffsetY), 0
FolderTabs.Line -(R, B), 0
' If it is the selected folder, draw a blank line underneath
If ForeGround Then FolderTabs.Line -(L, B), FolderTabs.BackColor
' Print the tab's title (bold if foreground)
FolderTabs.FontBold = ForeGround
TabTextWidth = FolderTabs.TextWidth(Folders(TabNumber).Caption)
FolderTabs.CurrentX = (TabWidth * HorPos) + (TabWidth \ 2) - (TabTextWidth \ 2)
FolderTabs.CurrentY = T + (TabOffsetY \ 2)
FolderTabs.Print Folders(TabNumber).Caption
FolderTabs.FontBold = False
End Sub
' Draws each of the visible tabs on screen
Private Sub DrawTabs ()
Dim I As Integer
' Draws the lines below the tabs first
For I = 1 To NumRows
FolderTabs.Line (0, I * OneTabHeight - TwipsY(1))-(FolderTabs.Width, I * OneTabHeight - TwipsY(1)), 0
Next I
' Draw each tab
For I = 0 To NumFolders
DrawTab I, HorTabPos(I), VerTabPos(I), I = FolderNum
Next I
' Draw lines down the left and right side
FolderTabs.Line (0, TabOffsetY)-(0, FolderTabs.Height - TwipsY(1)), 0
FolderTabs.Line (FolderTabs.Width - TwipsX(1), FolderTabs.Height - TwipsY(1))-(FolderTabs.Width - TwipsX(1), OneTabHeight - TwipsY(1)), 0
End Sub
' Jump to the folder tab that was clicked on
' This is called by the Tab picture box's MouseDown procedure
Sub FolderClick (Button As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim HorPos As Integer
Dim VerPos As Integer
HorPos = X \ (FolderTabs.Width \ VisibleTabs)
VerPos = NumRows - (Y \ (FolderTabs.Height \ NumRows)) - 1
VerPos = (VerPos + (FolderNum \ VisibleTabs + 1)) Mod NumRows - 1
If VerPos = -1 Then VerPos = NumRows - 1
GotoFolder (VerPos * VisibleTabs) + HorPos
End Sub
' Make FolderNumber the active fold